Wills and Estate Planning

Many people neglect to make a will, and unknowingly create chaos for their family and friends. It is one of the most important things you should do.

Not only should a will be reviewed on a regular basis as gifts (known as legacies) are eroded by inflation, and your loved ones may lose out if they are not kept up to date.

Each year the Government make changes to the Tax laws and sometimes this affects the Inheritance we leave to our families. These aspects should not be missed as opportunities for tax saving do arise.

Planning your estate is essential, but many people fail to pay full attention to the finer points of their bequests, which again can cause problems for the loved ones they leave behind.

A Will enables you to have complete control of what happens to your assets when you die.

It enables you to ensure your family, friends and any dependents have the security they deserve. It can include everything from how you want your funeral arranged, to making sure your favourite charity is remembered.

What happens if I do not make a Will

Without a Will, your assets will be divided according to the laws of Intestacy, which may not meet your wishes.

If you’re married with children, your spouse may not automatically inherit everything you own, and instead, your assets may be divided between your spouse and your children. This could leave your spouse short of money to assist in his or her future support.

If you are not married, your partner may not get any of your assets, and could result in your partner being penniless or even without a place to live.

In essence, without a Will things can get a lot more complicated making it slow to administer your Estate, and certainly will be more costly for your beneficiaries.

Lee & Co are able to guide you through the whole process, from taking instructions for your Will right through to signing and storing the final document, which helps you to avoid the difficulties and confusion for your relatives and friends.

Mr Geoffrey Lee, Mrs. McCormick and Miss. Alex Penney are here for you, and will travel to your home to see you, if you are not able to travel to the office.

Please telephone Mrs McCormick for an appointment or. Contact us here.

Guidance on Potential Fees

Simple Wills start at £295.00 but if more complicated or detailed could rise of £750.00

Joint Mirrored Wills start at £375.00 but more complicated or detailed could rise to £825.00

If a partner in Lee & Co is appointed an Executor with other relatives we will deduct £100.00

If Lee & Co are appointed the sole Executors we will reduce the cost of a Simple Will to the sum of £150.00 and more complicated / detailed Will to £375.00

Joint Mirrored Wills would be reduced to £190.00 and £410.00 respectively as above.

If Lee & Co are appointed sole Executors for a person who is a member of an organisation of which one or other of the partners is a member the Will be made free so long as the you the Testator make a donation in your Will to the MBI Charity for a minimum of £500.

Depending on circumstances and time involved fees can be negotiated.